Sterilize the Weak and Feeble Minded
The Twisted History of Forced Sterilization and Unfair Immigration Laws in America
It was a horrible chapter in the history of man - but Hitler did not write the opening pages to that section -- The United States of America was who first picked up that pen and started writing laws that caused the sterilization of over 60,000 people
In the words of Hitler " There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States."
Well before Hitler rose to power, the United States had started the studies and the practice of creating a "better race." And it did not stop in America until well after WWII. In 1881 a very prominent American named Alexander Graham Bell started to lay the groundwork for
the eugenic movement. He noticed the number of deaf living on Marthas Vinyard in Massachutest. He saw that deaf parents had a higher rate of deaf children and deduced it was genetic and recommended that deaf people don't "breed." Bell, in later years, was appointed to the Committee of Eugenics with the American Breeders Association.
In 1904 the "father of the American eugenics movement." Charles Davenport received funding from the Station for Experimental Evolution, later named Carnegie Department of Genetics. This coincided with Davenport's involvement with the American Breeders Association and his writings, "The science of human improvement by better breeding," He then went on to set up a Eugenics Record Office (ERO), a depository for the collected records of thousands of medical histories from Americans. Though accepted by the majority of his peers, many considered having a racist and anti-immigration agenda.
As the movement gained momentum, it became apparent what our intellectual elite was after. A master race of intelligent, tall, beautiful people with blue eyes and blond hair was the genetic purity they were shooting for. And this movement continued in many states as recent as the 1970's. You did not even have to be "genetically deficient" to fall victim to this shameful act. All it took was a doctor in many cases to just deem you unworthy. This encompassed so many different ideas from being an orphan to having been born looking like you were from a "mixed breed."
In 1907, Indiana passed the first eugenics-based compulsory sterilization law. It was the first law of its kind in the world. Soon, 29 other states would pass similar legislation and continue the practice for another 30+ years after the end of World War 2.
Now let us jump ahead to 1924 with the introduction of the Racial Integrity Act of Virginia. A law that required all residents of Virginia to declare their race. The state used this database to ensure that racial purity was maintained. This law forbade interracial marriage in Virginia. Both parties had to show a certificate saying that there was no trace of any race other than Caucasian in their ancestry or a wedding license would not be issued. It was broadly accepted that some nationalities carried inferior genes and would pollute the race.
Following suit, another law on the federal level was passed. The Immigration Act of 1924 was thought to be a way to continue the goal of keeping "white...white." There were several other acts passed by the federal government that helped regulate who was allowed in America. The National Origins Act and the renewing of the Chinees Exclusion Act also ensured that undesirable races of people could not immigrate to the states. Some of these laws even went so far as to include clauses that prevented marriage from some ethnic groups that were already here before the passage of the acts.
Many of these laws over the years were fought in courts in the local and federal level, and for the most part, the idea of sterilizing or discriminating against a perceived genetic defect or social aberration has fallen away. Or has it? With genetic testing on the rise, parents can screen for any number of admiralties in utero and decide on the ultimate outcome of that pregnancy. Is this not a form of weeding out the "undesired traits?" Many say yes. And let us look at the political environment today. Many of the same arguments used about immigration today were discussions in the past. And laws were created to prevent the watering down of our race. On the surface, today's arguments are for the need for safety against violence, or for fairness to the American worker and taxpayer. But, is that not the same way of saying "You threaten my way of life, you threaten my identity as an American"
So is social engineering a thing of the past in America?
Comment below with your thoughts.
Thanks to Haunted Empire for directing me to this particular bit of twisted history.
Thanks to Haunted Empire for directing me to this particular bit of twisted history.
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